Overall Across DLN

This graph visualises the market share of relayers in the flow of value in Across in percentage terms.

Sankey Diagram

We are able to see clearly Across protocol owned relayer (Risk Labs) is responsible for 92.8% or $133,201,623 of the $142,617,053. This shows that the vast majority of the meaningful demand is still being filled by protocol owned relayers.

We isolate the competition among relayers depending on the size of the transaction.

Sankey Diagram

This pattern suggests that while the market is relatively competitive for smaller transactions, it becomes more oligopolistic for larger transactions, with one or two relayers controlling a significant portion of the market.

This graph looks at the percentage market share of relayers for specific routes.

Sankey Diagram

This pie chart visualises the incidence of competing bids per order. We look at the % of orders and how many bids they have from 1-n bids per order.

Sankey Diagram

Our data indicates that 98.6% or 104,952 transactions go unchallenged in Across. This data point tells us that auction outcomes are largely binary as they are uncontested.